Don't want !ref displayed when source worksheet has not data.



I have a formula the multiplies two cells and adds that product to a
referenced cell from another worksheet.

For example:

=T9*L14+GETPIVOTDATA("Billing Amount",'Labor

The problem is that when the Pivot Table is changed, the data that the
formula is looking for may not be there anymore and the formula cell
displays #REF!. Is there a way for my formula to still display the
product of T9*L14 and if no data can be found from the Pivot Table it
ignores that part of the formula or equates it to 0?



You could try ands check for the error with an if staement perhaps.
something like:

=IF(ISERR(your formula here),T9*L14,put your formula here)

It should calculate your formula and if the result is going to be #REF it
will multiply your two cells only and show that. If it is not an error then
it will show the full calculation. Does that make sense?

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