Done, but with errors in the page




I have Windows XP SP1 clean install with IE 6.0, SP1. I installed the java
plugin but my IE 6 still has problems handling pages coded in javascript On
this very same computer Mozilla and Netscape render the very same pages
which are problematic in IE just fine. I now understand that installing
the java plug-in alone will not help the IE 6.0 browser reading pages coded
in Javascript so how do I fix this problem? Is there a download for the SUN
javascript plug-in just like there is for the straight-up Java?

Ken Schaefer

Javascript has nothing to do with Sun. Java and Javascript don't really have
anything to do with each other either.

Since this is a scripting issue, I suggest you post the sample script (or a
link to the page) to an IE, or scripting group. There is *no* need to post
this to all the groups that you did.


: Gurus,
: I have Windows XP SP1 clean install with IE 6.0, SP1. I installed the
: plugin but my IE 6 still has problems handling pages coded in javascript
: this very same computer Mozilla and Netscape render the very same pages
: which are problematic in IE just fine. I now understand that installing
: the java plug-in alone will not help the IE 6.0 browser reading pages
: in Javascript so how do I fix this problem? Is there a download for the
: javascript plug-in just like there is for the straight-up Java?


Java Virtual Machine and Java Script are not related. Just a quick note:
Most pages that issue these error messages are on them, not you. Good luck!

H Leboeuf

Check this out if applicable.

From: "bmwmcrider" In a News Group
Subject: Re: "Error on page" error
Quite by accident I discovered what was causing my problem. I use a utility
called AdSubtract to suppress all those annoying pop up ads, banners, etc.
When I shut the utility off, the error on page problems goes away.


I have AdSubtract installed, and that was the problem. Henri, out of all
the so-called experts out there, you were the only one who pointed me in the
right direction!!!!!

You 'da man!!!


Sure I should post to all groups I think are relevant, so I get the widest
audience. As you can see, Henri Leboeuf came up with the answer!

Al Dunbar [MS-MVP]

Spin said:
Sure I should post to all groups I think are relevant, so I get the widest
audience. As you can see, Henri Leboeuf came up with the answer!

So, I am in your *audience*, but I have nothing to offer you. Trouble with
the widest possible audience is that it contains so many people that are not
interested, or that are annoyed at off topic posts.

In future, I would recommend trimming your audience down to the three most
likely groups, and widen it (or just go elsewhere) if you do not get what
you need after a week or so.



That's good advice.

Al Dunbar said:
So, I am in your *audience*, but I have nothing to offer you. Trouble with
the widest possible audience is that it contains so many people that are not
interested, or that are annoyed at off topic posts.

In future, I would recommend trimming your audience down to the three most
likely groups, and widen it (or just go elsewhere) if you do not get what
you need after a week or so.


Richard Yates

A bit more synergy: I was having a similar problem with 'error on page'
messages on the IE status bar when clicking on a
javascript:SubmitForm(button) link. I tried a ton of stuff and finally
resorted to this newsgroup. Although my solution was not exactly what Henri
suggested, he did point me in the right direction.

What worked was allowing third party cookies in Zone Alarm Pro for that
particular site I was having trouble with ( Maybe some other
weary searcher can see this note, too. Thanks, Henri and Spin.



Thank you! I've been digging for months for the answer to this same
question. When I attempt to click a JavaScript link the "hand" comes up but
it won't launch. This wasn't the exact solution, but you pointed me in the
right direction. Norton Firewall, Web Assistant toolbar in IE, remove check
from Block Ads on this Site. They're not advertisements, (if that's what
this means) but that is what worked. Thanks again.


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