Does SQL.REQUEST work in Excel X?



How does one create a dynamic SQL query then? I.e. I need to take data
from the spread sheet, such as an account number and date, and use that
in the SQL query. Thanks.

JE said:
No. Use Microsoft Query to run a query from the worksheet instead.

Does SQL.REQUEST work in Excel X under OSX? Thanks.


Unfortunately, Excel for the mac has little of the functionality of
Windows Excel, and doesn't have the Querytables collections.

I'm seriously thinking of buying virtual PC so I can run Windows Excel! :)

Peo Sjoblom

That could be a good idea regardless, I have Windows desktop with Office
2003, virtual pc for windoows on that same desktop running win98 and Office
2002 (XP), Linux with openoffice and Swedish winxp running Swedish Office
XP, then I have a powerbook running Office 2004 and with virtual PC running
Office 2003. I love the powerbook but I am not too handy with Office 2004
yet so I can always run the windows version on the virtual pc if I need to
check something to make sure it works in both versions

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