Does Font.Height or Font.GetHeight() return correct font height?



Both the above ways return the line spacing that includes the blank space
between lines along with the height of the character itself.
When I use the return value to calculate number of text lines to be inserted
in the document that I am creating, lets say it is 74 lines per page. But
after creating the page only 54 text lines get inserted in a page and rest of
the text lines get passed to next page.
In other words, word processor inserts its page break after 54 lines.
The font I am using is MS Gothic, size 11.0. When I convert it in Twips its
is 225 and Lenght of A4 size paper is 16833 Twips.
Thus to insert 54 lines per page the font height should be 311 Twips, where
as I get 225.
Please guide

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