documents and settings location



I have a partitioned hard disk and I would like to leave one partition only for windows and other programs and store all the users files in the other partition, so my question is if it is possible to tell windows to look for the "Documents and Settings" folder in a drive that is not the system drive.

Mike Bright MSP


You can try and do this but Microsoft do not support it.
Tere are two links below, the better for you i think is
the first one, which just moves the "My documents" folder:

The second link describes how to do it for the "documents
and settings" folder, the KB is for Windows 200 not XP,
so it may work may not, but as the disclaimer
says "Microsoft does not support this, and it could have
serious issue for you system if you mess up...!":


Mike Bright MCP, MSP

e:[email protected]

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