DOCUMENT in VS.Net 2003 designer - what type is this?


Joergen Bech

Whenever no controls are selected in the VS.Net 2003 webforms
designer, the Properties box defaults to "DOCUMENT", which allows
me to set properties such as bgColor, bgProperties, bottomMargin,
clientTarget, errorPage, targetSchema, etc.

I have searched various assemblies with .Net Reflector for such
a class, but to no avail.

Does anyone have an idea where this DOCUMENT class resides
in the framework? Somewhere, something must send an object to
the propertygrid causing it to display those exact properties?

/Joergen Bech

Karl Seguin

It's a VS.Net thing. Some of the properties map to the Page class, such as
Culture, Trace and codePage. Others are simply values the editor places in
your HTML, and aren't ASP.Net related, such as a the bgColor, title and


Kevin Spencer

It doesn't reside in the framework. It resides in the HTML DOCUMENT object
model. It represents the HTML document itself.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.

Joergen Bech

Are you referring to IHTMLDocument2 in

I am aware of this one, but something like
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WebForms.PageDirective in

comes much closer in terms of the properties displayed
in the propertygrid. Some properties are missing, though,
so I suppose another class derived from PageDirective
is used instead.

My original question was -which class- was used to send
to the propertygrid. The grid needs an object of a specific
type - not just a collection of name/value pairs in order to
perform its duties. At the moment I am not too concerned
with where the values eventually end up.



Joergen Bech

Kevin Spencer

Are you referring to IHTMLDocument2 in

No, I'm referring to the HMTL Document Object Model.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.

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