DoCmd.Quit, Dynamic Array, Form_Unload, Variable Cleanup


Wayne Pearson


I have a simple form with one Exit button, cmdExit, and three Subs -
cmdExit_Click, Form_Load, and Form_Unload. The Form also has a member
variable, m_Numbers, that is a dynamic array of type Long.

m_Numbers is dimensioned to be 2 elements long and then populated in
Form_Load. m_Numbers is checked in cmdExit_Click to ensure that it has its
initial values. After the DoCmd.Quit in cmdExit_Click, Form_Unload is
called. Form_Unload attempts to access m_Numbers and gets a subscript out
of range error. It would appear that m_Numbers is already destroyed before
Form_Unload is called.

I would be interested in any comments on what would cause this behavior.


Wayne Pearson

Form code follows .

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

'm_Numbers is a dynamic array of longs

Dim m_Numbers() As Long

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

Dim idx As Long

On Error GoTo cmdExitClick_Err

'm_Numbers has values here

For idx = LBound(m_Numbers) To UBound(m_Numbers)

Debug.Print "cmdExit Before Quit " & CStr(m_Numbers(idx))

Next idx



On Error GoTo 0

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume cmdExitClick_Exit

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim idx As Long

On Error GoTo FormLoad_Err

'm_Numbers dimensioned to 2 elements in Form_Load

ReDim m_Numbers(0 To 1)

'm_Numbers gets populated here

For idx = LBound(m_Numbers) To UBound(m_Numbers)

m_Numbers(idx) = idx

Next idx


On Error GoTo 0

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume FormLoad_Exit

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

Dim idx As Long

On Error GoTo FormUnload_Err

'Error here - Subscript out of range - why?

For idx = LBound(m_Numbers) To UBound(m_Numbers)

Debug.Print "Form Unload " & CStr(m_Numbers(idx))

Next idx


On Error GoTo 0

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume FormUnload_Exit

End Sub

Douglas J. Steele

It's difficult for anyone to comment without seeing the code in question.

Wayne Pearson


I included the Form code in the original post just below my name. Guess I
should have placed it above - Sorry...

Douglas J. Steele

Ooops, so you did. Sorry about that: I obviously didn't scroll down far

I think the problem is caused by the fact that you're trying to shut down
Access in your cmdExit_Click event. If you replace DoCmd.Quit with
DoCmd.Close (so that just the form closes), it works fine. When Access is
shutting down, I don't believe you can make any assumptions about what order
things happen.

Try putting the DoCmd.Quit in the Form_Unload or Form_Close event.

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