Do not have necessary permissions to use object (Error 3033)



I have read the various forums on this problem and none seem to resolve the
issue I have. I was working on the database (Access 2003) and closed it. On
opening again about 5 minutes later this notification appeared and I have not
been able to gain access to it since. The problems other people have seems to
be with a secured database. I created it and know for a fact that I never
secured it and have never fiddled around with the security settings. For some
or other reason I seem to have lost permission to open this file. The file
sits on an external hard drive connected to one computer via USB and
accessed by other computers through a wireless router. I have 3 other
databases in the same location and have no problem gaining access to them.
Any thoughts or assistance would be appreciated.

Joan Wild

Although you didn't secure, since others have access to it, then perhaps
one of them played with security.

Try creating a new mdb and importing all the objects from the original.
You can exclude the offending object and see if that works.

Accessing the database via wireless is not a good idea.

Joan Wild


Thank you for the response. I am not sure how this would be possible, but
lets assume someone has messed around with the settings - what have they done
and is there any way to gain access to it again? Have already tried what you
suggested by importing into a new mdb but the same message comes up saying
"you do not have the necessary permissions to use the Q:\Data\Claims
Report.mdb object".

I noticed that checkdesk autoran on this drive the other day to check for
consistencies. Is it possible that the file is corrupted?

Joan Wild

Corruption is a possibility, sure.

You would need to search for *.mdw files on their computer, or possibly
the network, to see if any were created since the time it was working.

In all likelihood, it sounds as though you'll need to go to your last
good backup.

Joan Wild


I did check all computers for other .mdw files but none were found. I don't
think I will ever find out what happended. I will be honest i never made
backups of this file (will be doing this now) but fortunately found a copy of
this file on a flashdrive this morning. Sometime ago I wanted to send a copy
of a file in the same folder as this file to the flashdrive and by mistake
sent the whole folder. The best mistake I have ever made in my life. Have a
bit of catching up to do but not nearly as bad if I had lost the whole file.
Thanks for the help anyway.

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