I am trying to run a query to search a table for Chemical Names and ouput the
records and all fields associated with that Chemical. I want to have a Comco
Box so that the User doesn't have to type in the names as they can be
complex. I have used a parameter Query with the criteria set to
When I run the QUERY I get a Dialog Box that asks to enter the parameter.
The dialog box also displays the
=[Forms]![frmFormWithComboBox]![cboComboBoxName] But no Combo Box.
When I run the Form it seems to run OK. I get the Combo Box. I Can select
a name and the query appears, seemingly correct.
I thought that the query would run the form. Meaning when I double clicked
the Query the Combo Box woud be used to enter the parameter, in this case the
Chenical Name. This appears to run the other way around the Form runs the
records and all fields associated with that Chemical. I want to have a Comco
Box so that the User doesn't have to type in the names as they can be
complex. I have used a parameter Query with the criteria set to
When I run the QUERY I get a Dialog Box that asks to enter the parameter.
The dialog box also displays the
=[Forms]![frmFormWithComboBox]![cboComboBoxName] But no Combo Box.
When I run the Form it seems to run OK. I get the Combo Box. I Can select
a name and the query appears, seemingly correct.
I thought that the query would run the form. Meaning when I double clicked
the Query the Combo Box woud be used to enter the parameter, in this case the
Chenical Name. This appears to run the other way around the Form runs the