do i have a hacker?



i have a website its a freewebsite provided by freesverve and i have added a
free guestbook to it downloaded from internet, i have had it for nearly 3
years and have had no problems till now, ... while i was talking to a new
friend on msn messenger, i gave him my website addy so he could visit, he did
this while talking to me and he said that his firewall have blocked me from
accessing his computor 7 times while he was on my website. ... how can this
be? i wasnt trying to acess his computor, i wouldnt even know how, ... could
someone be hacked into my computor and is trying to get into his through
mine?? or could someone have some sort of way getting into my website and use
it to access peoples pc's. ... i am very confused with all this and would be
very gratefull of any help or sugestions any1 might have, i am very worrid
that people will think i am the one trying to hack into there pc's i dont
want to lose very good friends, ,,, anyway thanx for your time hope to hear
from any of you real soon tc xxx


How did he know it was you connecting? Maybe it was
something in MSN. I doubt it was anything to do with
hackers though, probably just some sort of check that msn
does or probably wasn't you that he was seeing connecing
to him. Maybe his "firewall" has a pop-up blocker and
that's what he ment, it blocked 7 popups, or outgoing
connections from the web site (for things like banners,
counters, ect.. that aren't hosted on the same server).
Either way, I wouldn't think this is any reason for
alarm :)


i have a website its a freewebsite provided by freesverve and i have added a
free guestbook to it downloaded from internet, i have had it for nearly 3
years and have had no problems till now, ... while i was talking to a new
friend on msn messenger, i gave him my website addy so he could visit, he did
this while talking to me and he said that his firewall have blocked me from
accessing his computor 7 times while he was on my website. ... how can this
be? i wasnt trying to acess his computor, i wouldnt even know how, ... could
someone be hacked into my computor and is trying to get into his through
mine?? or could someone have some sort of way getting into my website and use
it to access peoples pc's. ... i am very confused with all this and would be
very gratefull of any help or sugestions any1 might have, i am very worrid
that people will think i am the one trying to hack into there pc's i dont
want to lose very good friends, ,,, anyway thanx for your time hope to hear
from any of you real soon tc xxx

One of the problems with firewalls, and firewall logs, is misconfiguration, and
misinterpretation. This topic comes up occasionally in

If you were to post this question in one of those forums, and give the address
of your website, a security expert there should be able to help you solve this
right fast.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.


thanx both for your help i will try the what u have surgested chuck, but at
least my mind is now at ease lol .... thanx xxxxx :):):):)

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