DNS Trace.




Im interested in Tracing DNS routes.
Example: So if I want to NS lookup www.google.com, i would like to see all the routes DNS lookup ran by (from my NS server) to
destination point NS server which is www.google.com (googles NS server).
Something like traceroute or pathping but for DNS.
Is that possible ?

Thank You,

Bryan Martin

Start->Run->"cmd"->nslookup -d

Is this what your hunting?

BaKaR said:

Im interested in Tracing DNS routes.
Example: So if I want to NS lookup www.google.com, i would like to see all
the routes DNS lookup ran by (from my NS server) to



Not. I need something like traceroute if possible.
Like when you traceroute a host, you get a reply of all the Hops in the middle of you and the target/destination host. I need
something like that just to be for a DNS lookup.

Like, you eant to nslookup www.google.com, you will get answer that your DNS server is "some host/ip" and youll get result, that
googles NS server is ns2.google.com (it has more then one).
Im interested in all those NS servers in the middle (in the middle of starting NS server and destination NS server).
IF! that is possible!

Mary Anthes

http://www.dnsstuff.com has a hostname test and a reverse DNS lookup which
will show the various nameservers queried.

BaKaR said:

Not. I need something like traceroute if possible.
Like when you traceroute a host, you get a reply of all the Hops in the
middle of you and the target/destination host. I need
something like that just to be for a DNS lookup.

Like, you eant to nslookup www.google.com, you will get answer that your
DNS server is "some host/ip" and youll get result, that
googles NS server is ns2.google.com (it has more then one).
Im interested in all those NS servers in the middle (in the middle of
starting NS server and destination NS server).

William Stacey

dig with -trace. Shows the delegations from root down. That reminds me, I
need to add trace to netdig. ugg.

William Stacey, MVP

BaKaR said:

Not. I need something like traceroute if possible.
Like when you traceroute a host, you get a reply of all the Hops in the
middle of you and the target/destination host. I need
something like that just to be for a DNS lookup.

Like, you eant to nslookup www.google.com, you will get answer that your
DNS server is "some host/ip" and youll get result, that
googles NS server is ns2.google.com (it has more then one).
Im interested in all those NS servers in the middle (in the middle of
starting NS server and destination NS server).



dig IP -trace ?

Didnt work for me, version of DIG ?
If i type just DIG, i get all the root servers, but still, cant get a trace from me to google...

William Stacey

dig @a.root-servers.net yahoo.com +trace

See the usage "dig -h". It shows the help.


Thank you.
Used dig for Linux, d/l_d for Windows.
How come Microsoft dont have any tool like that ? Extended nslookup or something ?


Man! :)
This rocks!
Nice command line tool.
Used C# to build it ? Isnt VC++ still faster in "socket" enviroment ?
Im waiting for "+trace" option! :) Please notify!
Again, this rocks! :)

P.S. if you can answer, used standard DNS communication by the RFC_s ?

William Stacey

Thanks. I used c#. Using managed vc++ would be same speed as they both
produce IL. Unmanaged vc++ would be faster in general (display, load time,
etc) and you could compile to a native image and not need the framework.
However, I can read vc++, but would not have completed (or started) the tool
or the underlying resolver library had I had to use c++. I used pointers in
the lowest level to map dgram byte[] to a struct without a copy, but would
not like to use pointers all over the place. I don't "think" the actual
socket layer would actually be any faster with c++, as they both end up
using the same thing - the winsock layer. Also, I can't tell the difference
in speed. I think mine, at times, is a bit faster then dig or nslookup -
not sure why that would be - it may just be a reporting thing, but the send
and receive speed using c# does not seem to be a perf issue.

As for DNS rfcs... I used all the rfcs pertaining to rrs I could (I will
have to compile a list.) I wrote the resolver around them. The general
concept is simple - format a query and parse the reply. However to do this
OO way requires many classes and the devil is in the details as you know.
And, in the beginning, make one change and have to make it to all derived
RRs - ugg. I am pretty happy with it now, put took a lot of changing and
pounding. Let me know if you have others questions on it. Thanks again.

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard

B> Im interested in Tracing DNS routes.

There's only one tool that I've encountered that comprehensively and
accurately traces all paths that query resolution could take. ("dig"
only traces one path, not all.) It's not available for Windows.


B> Example: So if I want to NS lookup www.google.com, i would like
B> to see all the routes DNS lookup ran by (from my NS server) to
B> destination point NS server which is www.google.com (googles
B> NS server).

"www.google.com." is _not_ Google's DNS server.

B> Something like traceroute or pathping but for DNS.

There are no exact equivalents, because DNS doesn't actually work that way.
There are tools that claim to be DNS equivalents of "traceroute". These
tools are flawed and they either do something quite different to what it
is that it is claimed that they do, or don't operate correctly at all.


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