DNS problem, !!Help urgent needed!!



I have a Single windows 2000 DC configured as a DNS server
with its IP Now i have shared the internet
connection dial-up on this DC. All the windows 2000 client
has a gateway The Primary DNS :
(ISP DNS) and secondary :

My problem is that the users always get the error page not
found in internet explorer. If they restart the system,
the internet works fine for few minutes and then again
page not found error. Sometime refreshing the screen ,
display the pages.

If the internet sharing is from someother PC other than
DC, then internet works fine.

Can anyone figureout what is the problem. any setting to
be made in forward or reverse lookup zone.



Brandon McHenry

Set all your clients to point to your DC only for DNS. Set the DC to
point to itself for DNS. Then on the Forwarding tab in the DC DNS
console put in your ISP DNS. This will have your DC answer all queries
concerning your domain to be handled by the DC itself, all external
queries will be forwarded to your ISP to be resolved.


Brandon McHenry

Set all your clients to point to your DC only for DNS. Set the DC to
point to itself for DNS. Then on the Forwarding tab in the DC DNS
console put in your ISP DNS. This will have your DC answer all queries
concerning your domain to be handled by the DC itself, all external
queries will be forwarded to your ISP to be resolved.


Ace Fekay [MVP]

posted their thoughts said:
I have a Single windows 2000 DC configured as a DNS server
with its IP Now i have shared the internet
connection dial-up on this DC. All the windows 2000 client
has a gateway The Primary DNS :
(ISP DNS) and secondary :

My problem is that the users always get the error page not
found in internet explorer. If they restart the system,
the internet works fine for few minutes and then again
page not found error. Sometime refreshing the screen ,
display the pages.

If the internet sharing is from someother PC other than
DC, then internet works fine.

Can anyone figureout what is the problem. any setting to
be made in forward or reverse lookup zone.



Since you are usihng AD, it's imperative to follow Brandon's suggestions.

Also, besides having both interfaces set to ONLY your DNS, and the clients
as well, with a forwarder out to the ISP, if your AD domain name is the same
name zone as your external zone, you'll need to manually create a www record
with the actual external IP of your website.

If I'm correct in my assumption of your errors, and if you want users to
connect by http://domain.com instead of using the www, then there's more
involved. Let me know if this is important.


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

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