DNS modification?



Hi All,

Would be grateful if anyone could help. This is a more detail
description to my previous question.

The scenario is this:
A user on his/her web browser typed an url, browser send url to DNS to
check and found it to be invalid, and the web browser display a error
page to the user.

Instead of the above process flow, is it possible that we could
intercept the invalid result from the DNS server, send user typed url
as keywords to a search engine, and display the search results to this

At the moment we have a javascript which could send keywords to Yahoo,
and Yahoo returns a xml file to us and then we customize our own search
This is so that we could return it to the user's web browser.

Best Regards,


Herb Martin

It is much better to (reasonably) CROSS-post a single
message to multiple newsgroups which address you
issue than to send separate messages to several groups.

With a single message, everyone with expertise in each
area can see the other responses and add to the help --
or read the answers and benefit.

[Current request has responses in another group.]

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