DNS Error on all URLs after installing IE6 on Win98


Dirk Goldgar

We recently installed IE6 on a Windows 98 system that was previously
running IE 4.01. Since then, we have not been able to connect to any
web site by name, only by entering the IP address. The connection is
set up to use a server-assigned IP address and DNS Server addresses.

In attempts to fix this problem, we have ...

1. verified the connection properties and TCP/IP settings against a very
similar PC which works fine -- they appear to be the same.

2. deleted TIF, History, and Cookies

3. renamed the HOSTS file in C:\Windows

4. restored the wsock32.dll file from the Win98 installation disk

5. reconfigured dial-up networking and TCP/IP

6. followed the directions on Sandi Hardmeier's site

7. manually uninstalled and reinstalled DUN as directed by KB article

8. thrashed around poking things to see if it made any difference.

Alas, all in vain. Can you offer any advice?


We recently installed IE6 on a Windows 98 system that was previously
running IE 4.01. Since then, we have not been able to connect to any
web site by name, only by entering the IP address. The connection is
set up to use a server-assigned IP address and DNS Server addresses.

In attempts to fix this problem, we have ...

1. verified the connection properties and TCP/IP settings against a very
similar PC which works fine -- they appear to be the same.

2. deleted TIF, History, and Cookies

3. renamed the HOSTS file in C:\Windows

4. restored the wsock32.dll file from the Win98 installation disk

5. reconfigured dial-up networking and TCP/IP

6. followed the directions on Sandi Hardmeier's site

7. manually uninstalled and reinstalled DUN as directed by KB article

8. thrashed around poking things to see if it made any difference.

Alas, all in vain. Can you offer any advice?

I'll take a stab and say that the upgrade from IE4xx to IE6 *may* be your issue.
Seems like you have done sufficient troubleshooting.

The only other item that my be causing your DNS errors and lack of URL loads is
Spyware, the C2/Lop hijacker has been know to take over your TCP/IP settings.

Run SpyBot and see if it improves your problem, direct D/L here:

SpyBot home: http://security.kolla.de/
SpyBot How-to: http://www.tomcoyote.org/SPYBOT/



"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_

Dirk Goldgar

Dirk Goldgar said:
We recently installed IE6 on a Windows 98 system that was previously
running IE 4.01. Since then, we have not been able to connect to any
web site by name, only by entering the IP address. The connection is
set up to use a server-assigned IP address and DNS Server addresses.

Thank you, the problem has been solved, though I don't fully understand
the resolution. I ran ipconfig /all on both computers, the one that
isn't working and its mate that is, and noticed that for the failing PC
the "DNS Servers:" line was blank, while for the working one a primary
and secondary address were listed. This, despite the fact that the
connection and TCP/IP settings on *both* computers specify
dynamically-assigned DNS server addresses! I have no idea where those
addresses came from on the working PC, but when I changed the settings
of the failing PC to use those specific DNS Server addresses, it worked.

So my immediate problem is solved, but now I'd like to know why the
*other* PC is working! Where is it getting those addresses?

Dirk Goldgar

Robert Aldwinckle said:
winipcfg you mean?

No, ipconfig in a DOS Prompt window.
If this was NT instead you could have verified that the DHCP Client
was running and used ipconfig /renew

E.g. enter the following in a Command window:
net start | find /i "client"

I have no idea what the equivalent commands are for Win 9x.

I don't know if they're available in Win98. I don't know what they do,
either, for that matter, but that's something I can find out.
You may do better checking in a Networking NG for your OS.


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