DNS Domain Name and Pre-Win2K Domain Name divergence in SBS 2K

  • Thread starter Thread starter Manos PETRIDIS
  • Start date Start date


Hi there Gents! Oh please, listen to my plea:

Exists a Win 2000 SBS Premium, named "ZX", or better "ZX.CO.local". We wish
to add two more DCs so that – among other things - we may speed up user
authentication in two remote sites. However for reasons beyond the scope of
this message (previous admin) DNS Domain Name and Pre-Win2K Domain Name
differ in our installation. The first is "CO.local" while the second is
"NWTRADERS" (fictitious names altogether). This divergence seems to inhibit
adding AD servers in our domain.

We did in fact manage to add a second AD server recently, one that was
already present as a member server from the initial NT4 domain days. Still,
a problem in File Replication Service (NTFRS errors 13506 ?a? 13555
appearing in the DC event log) prevents it from sharing its SYSVOL and
becoming an active AD server.

Newly installed servers can’t even perform dcpromo: Having selected that we
wish to set up an "additional domain controller for an existing domain" we
reach the point where we provide user credentials and select a domain. Alas,
we are immediately informed of an imminent shutdown in the next 60 seconds
provoked by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and that "The system process
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\SERVICES.EXE terminated unexpectedly with status code
128". Please note that these new AD server candidates run Win2K Server and
that all machines are fully patched.

As I considered that it was due to an erroneous/quirky installation of the
new servers, I looked into this direction first. Unfortunately, my search
using the status code mentioned above didn’t really provide any clues. This
same problem was supposedly fixed by Win2K SP2.

However, during the umpteenth installation and dcpromo I noticed that should
I change – in the 60 secs I have until the system shuts down – the domain
name that appears in the screen from "CO.local" to "NWTRADERS" (i.e. from
DNS name to pre-Win2K domain name) dcpromo can indeed proceed. Needless to
say it can never finish, as the system powers down, but it seems that it
could finish the task.

Following this I found a KB article (KB257623) that seems to be applicable
to our case. Although no mention is made of the error code or of the forced
shutdown, it really seems to point to a new direction.
Netdiag reports no errors to speak of.

What could I do to either impede the dcpromo error from incurring or
reconcile the differing domain names? Is the latter going to have a negative
impact to the Exchange in my SBS server? Would I have to remove and then add
/ reset all computer memberships in our domain?

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Any idea or suggestion
would be most welcome.
Manos Petridis
Manos said:
Hi there Gents! Oh please, listen to my plea:

Exists a Win 2000 SBS Premium, named "ZX", or better "ZX.CO.local".
We wish to add two more DCs so that – among other things - we may
speed up user authentication in two remote sites. However for reasons
beyond the scope of this message (previous admin) DNS Domain Name and
Pre-Win2K Domain Name differ in our installation. The first is
"CO.local" while the second is "NWTRADERS" (fictitious names
altogether). This divergence seems to inhibit adding AD servers in
our domain.
We did in fact manage to add a second AD server recently, one that was
already present as a member server from the initial NT4 domain days.
Still, a problem in File Replication Service (NTFRS errors 13506 ?a?
13555 appearing in the DC event log) prevents it from sharing its
SYSVOL and becoming an active AD server.

So, I think I understand that you are saying your domain netbios name is not
the same as your (AD) DNS FQDN, correct?

NT4 DC's won't work, windows 2000 native mode.

Have you tried joinin the prospective server as a member server first,
restarting , then dcpromo. Also, if these are in different sites, you'll
want to have WINS setup and working before proceeding.
NetBIOS domain name doesn't have to mach with your DNS name.
Start by checking why your SBS isn't working correctly, run dcdiag and
netdiag and search for output errors.

I hope that the information above helps you.
Have a Nice day.

Jorge Silva
MCSE, MVP Directory Services
kj said:
So, I think I understand that you are saying your domain netbios name is
not the same as your (AD) DNS FQDN, correct?

NT4 DC's won't work, windows 2000 native mode.

We have no NT4 boxes anymore.
Have you tried joinin the prospective server as a member server first,
restarting , then dcpromo. Also, if these are in different sites, you'll
want to have WINS setup and working before proceeding.

In anoher forum I learned that the proper procedure is: "While still in a
workgroup, promote the server to a domain controller." I shall try it and
report back.

DCPROMO is performed while machines are at the same network / site. Once
they are DCs I'll change their IP addresses and ship them to their
operational sites.
WINS is up and functional on the SBS and the new AD server candidates
register with this WINS.