Dmitry? Can I use Redemption to return an array of custom forms in a folder?




I have set up some custom forms that contain standard text (and
sometimes graphics) to be used in generic emails/replies/forwards, it
would be really great if I could use something like the below example,
to enable users to choose which standard form they want to use in the
quickest, easiest way possible.

The function below is great I have used it sucessfully on customers in
the past however going forward I do not want to have to use CDO if I
can help it (headaches with installation etc). Therefore, I would like
to know if it would be possible to create this array of custom forms
using extended MAPI and Redemption? I also don't want invoke any
security warnings (or have to install the admin pack for my addins to
be trusted) so Redemption is what I'd like to use. Unfortunately my
experience with redemption and to a certain extend the Outlook object
model is still relatively small so can anyone tell me if this is
actually possible and maybe give me some tips on how to do it please?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated:)

'Code provided by MicroEye, CBItems example. This function enables me
to build a combobox which lists all the published forms in a folder.


'Custom procedure: GetFormDescriptions(strEntryID, strStoreID)

'Purpose: Return a variant array containing custom forms in folder

'Argument: Outlook Entry ID, Store ID


'Set avarArray = GetFormDescriptions(objFolder.EntryID,

'Returns: Variant Array


Public Function GetFormDescriptions(strEntryID, strStoreID) As Variant

Dim objFolder As MAPI.Folder

Dim objMsgFilter As MAPI.MessageFilter

Dim colHiddenMsgs As MAPI.Messages

Dim objHiddenMsg As MAPI.Message

Dim avarArray As Variant

Dim intCount, intLoop As Integer

'MAPI Properties for FormDescription Hidden Messages

Const PR_HIDDEN_FORM = &H6803001E


Set objFolder = gobjCDO.GetFolder(strEntryID, strStoreID)

Set colHiddenMsgs = objFolder.HiddenMessages

'colHiddenMsgs.Sort CdoAscending, CdoPR_DISPLAY_NAME

If colHiddenMsgs.Count Then

'Set a filter on messages collection

Set objMsgFilter = colHiddenMsgs.Filter

objMsgFilter.Type = "IPM.Microsoft.FolderDesign.FormsDescription"

'Sort FormDescription collection on Display Name

colHiddenMsgs.Sort CdoAscending, CdoPR_DISPLAY_NAME

If colHiddenMsgs.Count Then

'Count number of forms in folder excluding hidden forms

For Each objHiddenMsg In colHiddenMsgs

If Not (objHiddenMsg.Fields(PR_HIDDEN_FORM)) Then

intCount = intCount + 1

End If


If intCount Then

'Dimension variant array to hold forms

ReDim avarArray(intCount - 1, 1)

For Each objHiddenMsg In colHiddenMsgs

If Not (objHiddenMsg.Fields(PR_HIDDEN_FORM)) Then

avarArray(intLoop, 0) = _


avarArray(intLoop, 1) = _


intLoop = intLoop + 1

End If


GetFormDescriptions = avarArray


GetFormDescriptions = Empty

End If


GetFormDescriptions = Empty

End If

End If

End Function



Dmitry Streblechenko \(MVP\)

You can create an instance of Redemption.MAPIFolder object, set its Item
property to an Outlook.MAPIFolder object and use MAPIFolder.HiddenItems

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

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