Distributing a file to clients



I have created an excel file with checkboxes and some VBA code which needs to
be sent to differnt clients. When I send this file to another computer (even
on the same network) it doesn't work. It only works on my computer. I have no
recorded macros (not sure what is a recorded macro or if I need that) and I
just want to be able to make this file work on other computers. Please
provide a step by step process since I am a bit confused about this.



I assume the person get the speadsheet but some of the function don't work on
the other PC's. You probably have some links that are referencing drives on
you PC.

I would debug the problem I any PC. Or have the people who recieved the
file send it back to you ,and see if it works after you get it back.

John C

Further clarification is needed. "It doesn't work" doesn't tell us anything.
Also, excel version(s) that are being utilized would be good to know.


Well the checkboxes are unavailable (can't check them as if its still in the
design mode but its not). Also I am using excel 2003. I only emailed the file
to my coworker to see if it works on her computer but it didn't.


Yes the person gets the worksheet but the checkboxes are unavailable to check
as if they are still in the design mode. These checkboxes are tied to hidding
rows upon checking and unchecking, so I am unable to do that as well. I am
not sure what you mean by debugging the problem?

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