displaying XML data in datagrid column


Nedu N

i want to display actual XML data (with tags & data) from a table's colum
(XML data) in a datagrid's column...

by default it shows only yhe content of the XML but not the tags...anyone
have an answer for this...

i don't want to bind the data to a text box/lable in order to overcome


Hi Nedu,

How did you bind the XML data to the datagrid? Normally, we can first
convert a XML file to a DataSet, and then bind the datagird to the dataset.
For example, we have a XML file "XMLFile1.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<id> 1</id>
<name> One</name>

<id> 2</id>
<name> Two</name>

<id> 3</id>
<name> Three</name>


In an ASPNET application, we can use following code:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim ds As New DataSet


DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)


End Sub

And then the XML data with be shown the datagrid. As you seen, the tag <id>
and <name> will be used as column name in the datagrid.

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Henrik Grotle

Nedu N said:
i want to display actual XML data (with tags & data) from a table's colum
(XML data) in a datagrid's column...

by default it shows only yhe content of the XML but not the tags...anyone
have an answer for this...

i don't want to bind the data to a text box/lable in order to overcome

You can use Server.HtmlEncode to achieve the required result:

<ItemTemplate><%# Server.HtmlEncode(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"xml"), 0) %></ItemTemplate>

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