Displaying the result of a formula in a different cell



I've got a spreadsheet that does amortization schedules for me. I pu
in the figures and it displays the appropriate monthly payments for th
appropriate number of months that I tell it to.

I've also got it set up so that if the calculated payment is $300/mont
for example, and I tell it I'm going to pay $350 a month, it will facto
that in. The problem is that is still goes for the predetermined numbe
of months, but the balance becomes a negative number towards the end.

What I'm trying to do is have a formula that will check to see if th
balance has reached a negative number, and display the appropriat
month number in a cell towards the top of the spreadsheet. Fo
example, if it's a 48 month loan, and I pay ahead and reach a zer
balance at 40 months, It would display 40 to tell me which month i
would be paid off in.

Is there a way, for example, to have the calculation for the balanc
say something like if(Value<=0,Cell1=Cell20,CalculateBalance)

I hope that makes sense. Basically I'm looking to do a formula in
cell, and based on the ouput of that formula, display a result in
different cell.

Any help is appreciated

Frank Kabel

no, not possible. A formula can only return a value but not change
other cells. But why not put this kind of formula directly in your
target cell?


That'd be great, but I'm not sure how. I know I could write a formul
to check for a negative number and return the value of th
corresponding month, but that negative number could come on cell d20
or d50, or d75, etc. Is there a way to tell it to look down a colum
and return the first negative number it finds

Frank Kabel

one way: use the following array formula (entered with


Worked like a charm, with one minor adjustment. I used:


instead of


Which returned the corresponding label in the cell next to the valu
(month number) instead of using the ROW(D1:D100), which returns th
spreadsheet's row number, regardless of what label you've give to tha

Thanks for all the help

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