Displaying decimals that go in to a given number



Hi Guys,

I might be asking for a bit to much, but i thought id give it a go anyways.

What i want to do is display what number(s) 'go in to' a given number.

For example, Sheet1 Cell A1 displays the figure "10"
Using a macro or whatever is easiest,
Id like to write the numbers that go into the figure "10" into Cells on
Sheet2, starting at A1.

eg, Sheet1 Cell A1 displays the figure "10", find what goes into this number.
In Sheet2, Cell A1 = "1"
Sheet2, Cell A2 = "2"
Sheet2, Cell A3 = "5"
As it was smart enough to work out that the whole factors 1, 2 and 5 all can
make up the figure 10.

The max amount of digits ill use is 4 (eg, 1000 - what goes into 1000?)

I guess the easiest way to explain this, is: "what numbers go into 10. once
you have that number set, id like you to display each individual number into
a seperate cell on the following sheet"

I figure its a big ask, so i thankyou in advance!!!



PS: ill be doing a vlookup on these numbers then matching them with other
data in corresponding cells, which is easy enough to do.

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