Display the contents of a folder in a listbox?


Paul H

I have developed several databases in Access. I know VBA. I am making the
jump to VB and am currently using Visual basic 2005 Express.

Can anyone give me a snippet that will show me how to list the contents of a
directory in a listbox.

If you could also point me toward a good beginners VB 2005 book or website I
would appreciate it.




i'm using VS2003 as VS2005 is still in beta stage. but you can use
this code in both version.

first you need to import this name space :

Imports System.IO

than you can paste this code in a procedure or in Load event of the
form :

Dim filInfo As FileInfo
For Each fil As String In Directory.GetFiles("d:\temp")
filInfo = New FileInfo(fil)


Dim DirInfo As DirectoryInfo
For Each dir As String In Directory.GetDirectories("d:\temp")
DirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(dir)
ListBox1.Items.Add("[DIR] " & DirInfo.Name)

this will fetch info from the Directory and fill the ListBox.

and the site for the ebook. you can try this one:

PW: 01007011

i hope this will help you.

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

Paul H said:
I have developed several databases in Access. I know VBA. I am making the
jump to VB and am currently using Visual basic 2005 Express.

Can anyone give me a snippet that will show me how to list the contents of
a directory in a listbox.

Imports System.IO
For Each FileName As String In Directory.GetFiles(...)
Next FileName

Homer J Simpson

Paul H said:
I have developed several databases in Access. I know VBA. I am making the
jump to VB and am currently using Visual basic 2005 Express.

Can anyone give me a snippet that will show me how to list the contents of
a directory in a listbox.

If you could also point me toward a good beginners VB 2005 book or website
I would appreciate it.

I'm still playing with this but:

Dim S As String, I As Integer, L As ListViewItem, J As Long, T As Date
For I = 0 To CheckedListBox1.Items.Count - 1
S = CheckedListBox1.Items(I)
dlgOpenFile.InitialDirectory = S
For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles( _
S, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.*")
L = ListView2.Items(ListView2.Items.Count - 1)
L.Checked = True

I'm using a ListView but a Listbox works too.


Ok doing something like this to fill a listview. The first time the following
line of code runs it takes like 15-20 seconds. If I open the form again it
takes about 5 seconds. If I stop the app and wait 15 minutes or so and start
the app in debug again the delay is there, but if start the app in debug
immediatly after stopping a debug session there is no delay.
Dim files() As System.IO.FileInfo = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.nc")

Homer J Simpson

Ok doing something like this to fill a listview. The first time the
line of code runs it takes like 15-20 seconds. If I open the form again it
takes about 5 seconds. If I stop the app and wait 15 minutes or so and
the app in debug again the delay is there, but if start the app in debug
immediatly after stopping a debug session there is no delay.
Dim files() As System.IO.FileInfo = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.nc")

It seems that Windows does some sort of storing/buffering of directories, so
sometimes the info may come from a buffer, sometimes it re-reads it.

I notice that the CD/DVD drive is particularly cranky this way.

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