Display simple list



I am trying to build a simple asp.net project. What sort of control do I
need to use to simply display a list of links in a table format? For
example, let's say I have a database table:

ID Name
1 Blue
2 Grey
3 Green

And I want to display these in the format of the web page:


so that I can keep on adding names to the table and the page refresh will be
able to handle any new names. Then, if you click on a link, you go to the
appropriate page using ID as the identifier.

How can I do this? What control do I use for this. Can somebody please give
me some sample code or other guidance of how I "bind" this to a control in
clickable format?


Mike Moore [MSFT]


I think a repeater will do what you want. Here's the HTML from a repeater I
setup to allow programmatically setting the href and viewable text. Then
you just need to setup a datasource and bind the repeater. I also included
syntax for DataBinder.Eval and the more efficient Container object.

<asp:Repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server">
<asp:HyperLink id="HyperLink1" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%#
"http://localhost/ngrid1/repeater.aspx?a=" & Container.DataItem("au_lname")
%>'>'<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "au_fname")%>'</asp:HyperLink>

Thank you, Mike
Microsoft, ASP.NET Support Professional

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