Display Settings


Chris M.

Used demo version of Target Designer to build image for
kiosk and worked fine. Bought XP Embedded, uninstalled
the demo version and installed boxed version. Now when I
build a release image and boot it on target device, the
display settings are wrong after FBA. I have them set for
800x600x16 in Target Designer and when it boots it is set
for 640x480x24. I am trying with a SIS 5598/6326 or an
Intel 82810E Graphic Controller with the same results. Do
I need to rebuild the target over agin since I installed
the box version of Target Designer?

Thanks in advance,

Lynda Allen [MS]


Are you using the same monitor as before? Be sure that you have installed
the released version of the Embedded Tools AND the database. You will have
to re-import any custom components you have created into your released



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Chris M.

I did reinstall the Embedded Tools and Database. The
components that I am using for the video cards are the
ones that came with the XPE Tools. I have tried removing
the components from the design and then re-adding them
with no success. Could it be the monitor component? I do
not think that I have changed it from the last image.

Lynda Allen [MS]

It may often be the case that the monitor itself does not support the same
settings that the video card does, so during FBA the runtime will default to
a generic setting that most monitors will support, namely 640x480x24. It
might be useful to see which monitor you do have in your present



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Chris M.

The monitor componenet is the "Super VGA 1024x768" but
when I look at it's "Files" listing it shows monitor.inf
as being 0 bytes. I have had problems in the past with my
own components showing 0 bytes because the files were not
in the repository directory. Does this mean that it
cannot find that file in the repository? Could this be
the cause of my problems?


Lynda Allen [MS]

It's possible. You can check to see if that file is in the repository
yourself (it should be in the 484C....rep under the Windows Embedded Data
folder), and should be 51KB.

It may be helpful to uninstall and re-install in case something happened
during the initial install.

Hope this helps,


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Lynda Allen [MS]

You might also check that you have PnP(User), PnP(Kernel) and FBA(PnP) in
your config.



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Chris M.

I have a component called "PnP (User-mode)" but I do not
see any of the others you have mentioned. I have tried
loading archived .slx files that worked before installing
the new version with the same problem. I have tried
removing "Default Monitor" from the configurations as
well. Am I missing a component?


Lynda Allen [MS]


What does your FBA log say when encountering that setting-
browse the entries in the PNP phase near the top quarter of the log. Locate
the Ven/Dev ID for your video adapter and see if there are any errors
related to it when FBA-PnP is attempting to set it up.

It might also be useful to search Google Groups
indowsxp.embedded) for issues relating to resolutions- there are many posts
reagrding this subject.



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