Display Settings not available XP Pro



I recently upgraded to Windows XP Pro from XP Home. Was
having several problems, most of which have been solved.
When right clicking desktop and going to Properties to
adjust display settings, not all settings are there. The
only thing there is the option to choose the desktop
theme. PC has been scanned for viruses/spyware - all
removed. Display Adapter does have a conflict but when
the driver is uninstalled and reinstalled, it comes up ok
but the Display Properties has no change. I have swapped
the AGP video card with a known good PCI video card - same
result. I have installed an updated driver from nVidia -
same result. Can anyone give me a hand with this?


I'm not a pro at this but I know you have to be logged on
as an "administrator".
Then, you can use a tool such as TweakNow to enable the
extra tabs.


Thanks Adrian. But the problem is already solved. It
turns out that system files were damaged by a virus that
was removed. After doing an XP repair all is well.
Thanks again for the reply.

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