display prior and add new records



Is it possible to have a subform display old records, and add new a new
record when the vendor is selected from the mainform?

Currently my subform only displays the new (blank) entry. I would like to
user to be able to see the previous entries as well.

I am sure this has to do with the the data entry setting on the forms, but I
am not sure how the main form and subform properties are related.


Douglas J. Steele

What you want is actually the default behaviour. Have you perhaps set the
DataEntry property of the form being used as a subform to True?


Thank you

I knew it was simple..but wasn't sure where I made the change. Thanks...

I have another more complicated question...

My subform updates a table set up to track commodity increases. Each Vendor
has a commodityID that helps to group vendors that sell like commodities

Currently my main form has three cascading boxes (2 combo, one list):
cboBaseComm, cboSecComm, and lstVendorID

The subform is linked to the main form by VendorID, VendorName, and
SecCommID and once the user selects a Vendor from the list box these fields
populate the subform of the new record. Then the user can enter the
estimated increase %,and date of increase, and reason.

So far all of this works as I intended. But, most of the time...the
increase %, date, and reason, for each vendor in the list box are the exact
same (because the list box only shows vendors with the same
CommodityID...ie:if steel goes up 3%, then all the vendors with the
CommodityID of steel will go up 3%, on the same date, for the same reason)
Currently the user has to select each vendor in the list box individually to
create the new records for each of them.

Is there a way to be able to tell the form that I want a new record created
for all vendors with X CommID to have a new record with X % change, on X
date, for X reason? And, still have the option to select the vendors
individually if by chance the data is different on that specific CommID.

I realize I may have to do some backtracking to make this change...but I
think in the end it will be worth it.

Thanks Again

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