display or rename a sheet tab



Can info from cell be display or rename a sheet tab? Also is it possible to
add a double click function to a cell that pulls-up a specific sheet tab?


take a llook at the HYPERLINK function

You can create hyperlinks within a worksheet to jump from one cell to
another cell. For example, if the active worksheet is the sheet named June in
the workbook named Budget, the following formula creates a hyperlink to cell
E56. The link text itself is the value in cell E56.

=HYPERLINK("[Budget]June!E56", E56)

To jump to a different sheet in the same workbook, change the name of the
sheet in the link. In the previous example, to create a link to cell E56 on
the September sheet, change the word "June" to "September."

To change the workshhet name to the same name as in a cell will require a


Paul I appreciate the help, but I need a little more help. What I need is to
be able to input a name in a cell and have the sheet be automaticly rename to
the name in the cell. I also need a way to unhide a sheet the a row on
another sheet unhides at the same time. I hope this is a litle more clear.

paul said:
take a llook at the HYPERLINK function

You can create hyperlinks within a worksheet to jump from one cell to
another cell. For example, if the active worksheet is the sheet named June in
the workbook named Budget, the following formula creates a hyperlink to cell
E56. The link text itself is the value in cell E56.

=HYPERLINK("[Budget]June!E56", E56)

To jump to a different sheet in the same workbook, change the name of the
sheet in the link. In the previous example, to create a link to cell E56 on
the September sheet, change the word "June" to "September."

To change the workshhet name to the same name as in a cell will require a

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remove nospam for email addy!

* Kenneth * said:
Can info from cell be display or rename a sheet tab? Also is it possible to
add a double click function to a cell that pulls-up a specific sheet tab?

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