Display Options Changed After XP Install



Hello again Smart People:

I recently went Uptown from Win98se to Windows XP Home.

I don't remember what video display options I had before the upgrade but, I
do know now I have less and none are as satisfactory as before.

My DISPLAY currently lists three options:
1) Medium (15 bit),
2) Medium (16 bit) and,
3) High (16 bit), which I use at 800 x 600 pixels.

My pictures are pixilated punky, that is, not clear as they were. I think I
had something like 256 colors available before. No 256 are even listed this
time aound.

Nothing else has changed on my hardware or software - except installing XP.
I did the Trouble shooting thingy and tried to update my driver - Windows
said the current one was fine, so, no change there.

Where did 256 go? Any suggestions??

Thanx, Chuck---


Chuck--- said:
I think I had something like 256 colors available before. No 256 are
even listed this time aound.

WIndows XP doesnt support 256 mode. It looks awful anyway.
Nothing else has changed on my hardware or software - except
installing XP. I did the Trouble shooting thingy and tried to update
my driver - Windows said the current one was fine, so, no change

You *need* to update the drivers for your graphics card. The XP has some
general drivers but it would be best if you can obtain the latest drivers
from the graphics card manufacturer's website. If the card is old and no
drivers are avialable you need a new card I am afraid!!!

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