Display of .pdf files



When I access a web page that contains a link to display a pdf file such a
downloadable form or an online bank statement, the pdf file no longer
displays if I choose to display it on screen. If the item can be downloaded
and I save it, I can open it with my Acrobat software.

Jeremy Earp [MSFT]


Have you tried removing Adobe Acrobat Reader and installing the newest
version for www.adobe.com?

Thank You,
Jeremy Earp
Internet Explorer Team


I have Acrobat Standard 6.0 installed and have tried to correct the problem
by repairing the installation but to no avail. I noticed the problem soon
after installing the new Google desktop search tool but it may have been a
problem before then. I've tried opening a few more links but I often get the
IE error detected box and I have submitted the error message.



You do not say which operating system you are using but with XP, when IE 6
went stupid on me, (it kept closing with an error and sending off so many
reports to MS that I must have filled a server or two). I used

Start > Run

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

I will not say all my troubles went away, but the IE6 ones did!


Don Y,
Sorry, that was my best shot, but another poster suggested that you remove
Acrobat and then re-install. You said that you had repaired but not that
you had uninstalled. I suggest that you try the un-install reboot and then
re-install and see if this resets anything that may have been damaged on
disk or in the registry. There have been several updates to Acrobat 6, if
you re-install I suggest that you check for updates before trying to run the
program. Will Acrobat start if your either click on a saved *.pdf or if you
start the program and then select a file so open?


Thanks, I'll give it a try and, no, Acrobat doesn't seem to have a problem
opening saved pdf files or opening pdf files using File/Open from within the
Acrobat program.


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