Display in Control Panel will not open at all



Hi ... I am a dummy when comes to understanding the Control Panel Display
..... I have tried "regedit"....but did not quite understand the
instructions....I need a 1,2,3 step and in layman terms...ha ha....I cannot
get the Display to open to change my screensaver and desktop picture. If
anyone has too, please email me at pammy2lulu at the yahoo place....I really
want to get this problem solved and fixed. It had been working 5 months ago,
so I do not know what I did to make it stop working????? Help again....


PAMMY said:
Hi ... I am a dummy when comes to understanding the Control Panel
Display .... I have tried "regedit"....but did not quite understand
the instructions....I need a 1,2,3 step and in layman terms...ha
ha....I cannot get the Display to open to change my screensaver and
desktop picture. If anyone has too, please email me at pammy2lulu at
the yahoo place....I really want to get this problem solved and
fixed. It had been working 5 months ago, so I do not know what I did
to make it stop working????? Help again....

Exactly what do you do to try to get it to work? And exactly what happens?
Include exact error messages, if any.



Hi poprivet.......I cannot get display to open...and I tried going in C:
windows system32 and save the "themeui.dll" and was told windows would send a
fresh Dll cache folder...or something like that....but I tried to do it the
way Ramesh said but was afraid I would delete or mess the computer up worse

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