Display group header across columns?



Can I print a group/section header across multiple columns in a report? When
I force a new row or column before and after the section, the header text is
still truncated 1/3 of the way across the report.

(Or is there a way to programatically turn columns off and on within the


Can I print a group/section header across multiple columns in a report? When
I force a new row or column before and after the section, the header text is
still truncated 1/3 of the way across the report.

You can not have a group header extend across the entire page if you
are using a multi-column set up.

You can have the page header extend across the page.

To extend the page header across the page, make the report width as
wide as needed.
Then File + PageSetup + Columns.
Uncheck the Same as Detail check box and manually enter the wanted
column width.

Place the column label controls (that are currently in the group
header) in the page header (duplicated as needed across the page).

(Or is there a way to programatically turn columns off and on within the

As far as I know, no ... you can't turn column on or off while

Larry Linson

Curious said:
Can I print a group/section header across multiple
columns in a report? When I force a new row or
column before and after the section, the header text is
still truncated 1/3 of the way across the report.

(Or is there a way to programatically turn columns
off and on within the report?)

You may be able to accomplish what you want by using a Subreport Control in
the Detail section with columns in the Report embedded in the Subreport
Control -- columns will have to be "across then down" for this to work

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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