Display Forms Only




I know that the "Display Database Window" is not an option anymore with
2007, but If there anyway that I can default My database to only display the
forms that I've created?

I do not want the users to see stuff behind the forms. I have on occation
had the form only displaying on the desktop while the access window was
minimized, but I do not understand why it does that, but that is pretty much
what I'm looking for.

If anyone has any good suggestions on how to do this please let me know,
thank you!



Well I used the following code from this website:

along, with the code provided by John Conrad:


me.visible = false

end sub

Problem is that I do not know how to get the window to show if I want to go
into design view. I made a back up copy so I still can, but I am wondering
how I can trigger for the DB window to show. I want it to show for only those
who are allowed access to edit the DB (Security settings have not been fully
established, but when they are i would like to apply this methose to only
those users).

Let me know if anyone has any suggestions, thank you!



Well, I figured out that I would like to use an option button of some sort
and change the function from fSetAccessWindow(SW_HIDE) to
fSetAccessWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL) when the button value <> 0. I am just going
to enable this button only when the user how is logged on has access to do so.

if anyone is interested, here is what I did in the main (startup) form:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.radShow.Value = 0
Me.Visible = True
fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDE)
End Sub

Private Sub radShow_Click()
If Me.radShow.Value <> 0 Then
fSetAccessWindow (SW_SHOWNORMAL)
Me.Visible = True
fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDE)
End If
End Sub

again the funtion comes from this website:



Are you aware of the AllowBypassKey option?
If you hold down the shift key when you open an Access application, the
startup form is not loaded and therefore will not hide the database window.
But, this does leave a hole where a knowledgable user can get behind your
I have not made a 2007 accde file yet, so I don't know if it exists in 2007,
but in versions up to 2003, using the developer's extensions when you create
a an mde, you had the option of turning off that capability so holding the
shit key down has no effect. You could do it even in an mdb, but then you
had to be sure you did it to a copy ready to deploy rather than your
development copy.

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