Display driver code 10 device cannot start



i get a code 10 device cannot start on my device manager for my display
adapter S3 Trio 64UV+. Does that mean that my video card is busted? I
recently bought this secondhand pc and installed xp home and activated it and
when i try to increase then screen resolution it lets me slide the bar
however the screen doesnt adjust in size. Can anyone please help me i have
tried updating everything but it still says code 10.


BJMonty said:
i get a code 10 device cannot start on my device manager for my
adapter S3 Trio 64UV+. Does that mean that my video card is busted? I
recently bought this secondhand pc and installed xp home and activated it
and when i try to increase then screen resolution it lets me slide the bar
however the screen doesnt adjust in size. Can anyone please help me i have
tried updating everything but it still says code 10.

First of all, that is an ancient card. You could spend your time trying to
find drivers for it for XP or you could just go buy a cheap video card that
will come with the right drivers for your operating system. If your
computer doesn't have an AGP slot, you'll have to get another PCI video
card. They are very inexpensive.



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