Display data in series

  • Thread starter Thread starter yclhk
  • Start date Start date


I have a sheet containing data as following:

Date Code Product Transaction on Qty
21/2 12 Ink Purchase 20/2 30
28/2 11 Ballpen Sales 27/2 25
2/3 12 Ink Sales 1/3 20
5/3 11 Ballpen Return 4/3 12
6/3 11 Ballpen Sales 5/3 9
13/3 12 Ink Sales 11/3 10

I then wish to have a result in other sheet as following :

When the code 12 is entered :

Code : 12
Product: Ink

21/2 Purchase 20/2 30
2/3 Sales 1/3 20
13/3 Sales 11/3 10

when the code 11 is entered, the results relating to Ballpen is listed.

How to set ? I wish to have the table list in the other sheet and not using
filter in the same data sheet.
Use AutoFilter to display only those rows with a given code. Then copy the
visible ros to another sheet.
But, I wish to set a page that everyone can have the listing by simply
entering the product code.
Thanks for your help, it works. However, while I fill the formula in the
column of cells for 6 rows, it works with the cells having values but the
empty cells return with "#NUM!" like the followings :

Code : 12
Product: Ink

21/2 Purchase 20/2 30
2/3 Sales 1/3 20
13/3 Sales 11/3 10

How to fix it ?, Thanks again,