Display confirmation alert box in ASP.NET



I can used the RegisterOnSubmitStatement to set the confirmation alert box, i.e. RegisterOnSubmitStatement("submit", "return confirm('Delete Page?');"). But this confirmation box prompted out from two command buttons as I have two command buttons in the form, delete command and print command. How can I set just allow the delete command to prompted confirmation alert box. Moreover, How can I trigger the delete command after the user choose yes from the alert box as the deletion would be done in server side.

Million Thanks


add this..
btnDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick","if (!confirm('Delete Page?')) return false");


I can used the RegisterOnSubmitStatement to set the confirmation alert box, i.e. RegisterOnSubmitStatement("submit", "return confirm('Delete Page?');"). But this confirmation box prompted out from two command buttons as I have two command buttons in the form, delete command and print command. How can I set just allow the delete command to prompted confirmation alert box. Moreover, How can I trigger the delete command after the user choose yes from the alert box as the deletion would be done in server side.

Million Thanks

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