Display a common calendar calendar on web page...


Martin Perfelian


I am looking at incorporating very basic outlook functionality in an
intranet. The intranet is based on asp.net and all users are running
outllok 2000 (soon 2003).

I have looked at the sample outlook today page and display the current
users calendar in the intranet. I use the following object together
with html databinding to render the information:

<OBJECT ID="CalList"
CLASSID="CLSID:0468C085-CA5B-11D0-AF08-00609797F0E0" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM NAME="Module" VALUE="Calendar">

However, I also want to display a different calendar (for common
calendar items) below the personal one. The common calendar is
implemented in exchange as a new user with a shared calendar. How do I
specify the common calendar I want to display? I have tried using the
folder property with no success.

Kind regards,

Martin Perfelian

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Is this calendar folder the default one for that shared mailbox? If so use
the NameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder method. You will have to supply a
recipient object for that method that represents the recipient object for
that mailbox, as well as the folder type.

If it's not the default calendar folder you'd have to look in each Folders
collection of the NameSpace object to get the loaded mailbox (which has to
be loaded as part of the profile) and find the mailbox you want and then
traverse its Folders collections to find that calendar folder.

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