Display $125.00 in words "One Hundred & Twenty Five"



You can try porting this VB code to C#

It is designed to handle numbers larger than longs so it is using
floating points, hence the MyRound function. You'll need to fix that
bit up yourself, just make sure lResult is the rounded down result of
"vlNumber / 100...".

Good luck.

(BTW this is recursive)

Private Function NumberToWord(ByVal vlNumber#) As String

Dim lResult#
Dim sWord$
ReDim One(0 To 19) As String, Ten(2 To 9) As String

lResult = MyRound(vlNumber / 1000000000, 1, "D") ' How many Billions
are there ?
vlNumber = vlNumber - lResult * 1000000000 ' remove Billions
If lResult > 0 Then
sWord$ = sWord & flNumberToWord(lResult) & " BILLION " ' call
flNumberToWord to convert the no.
End If ' of
Billions to text

lResult = MyRound(vlNumber / 1000000, 1, "D") ' Millions ?
vlNumber = vlNumber - lResult * 1000000
If lResult > 0 Then
sWord$ = sWord & flNumberToWord(lResult) & " MILLION "
End If

lResult = MyRound(vlNumber / 1000, 1, "D") ' Thousands ?
vlNumber = vlNumber - lResult * 1000
If lResult > 0 Then
sWord$ = sWord & flNumberToWord(lResult) & " THOUSAND "
End If

lResult = MyRound(vlNumber / 100, 1, "D") ' Hundreds ?
vlNumber = vlNumber - lResult * 100
If lResult > 0 Then
sWord$ = sWord & flNumberToWord(lResult) & " HUNDRED "
End If

One(0) = ""
One(1) = "ONE"
One(2) = "TWO"
One(3) = "THREE"
One(4) = "FOUR"
One(5) = "FIVE"
One(6) = "SIX"
One(7) = "SEVEN"
One(8) = "EIGHT"
One(9) = "NINE"
One(10) = "TEN"
One(11) = "ELEVEN"
One(12) = "TWELVE"
One(13) = "THIRTEEN"
One(14) = "FOURTEEN"
One(15) = "FIFTEEN"
One(16) = "SIXTEEN"
One(17) = "SEVENTEEN"
One(18) = "EIGHTEEN"
One(19) = "NINETEEN"

Ten(2) = "TWENTY"
Ten(3) = "THIRTY"
Ten(4) = "FOURTY"
Ten(5) = "FIFTY"
Ten(6) = "SIXTY"
Ten(7) = "SEVENTY"
Ten(8) = "EIGHTY"
Ten(9) = "NINETY"

lResult = MyRound(vlNumber / 10, 1, "D") ' Tens ?
If lResult >= 2 Then ' if remaining is 20 or greater then there are
still units remaining (0 - 9)
vlNumber = vlNumber - lResult * 10
sWord$ = sWord & Ten(lResult) & " " & flNumberToWord(vlNumber)
Else ' 0 - 19 (these can't be
broken down)
NumberToWord = Trim$(sWord & One(vlNumber))
Exit Function
End If

NumberToWord = Trim$(sWord)

Exit Function

End Function

Michael A. Covington

This would make a great homework assignment for my computational linguistics
class, actually.

Thanks for the idea.

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