disk for reformatting



I have two computers, one an HP Pavillion and one a
Compaq, both came loaded with Windows XP Home but no
original disk. These computers are being used by kids and
the best thing for them is to reformat the hard drive.
However, I don't have an original disk, they didn't come
with the computers, to do the install. How do I get an
original without having to purchase it again? I have
heard that this is quite a problem, not getting original
disks, when purchasing from somplace like Best Buy, etc.


Did they come with these two things:
1. A Product Key sticker on the side of the computer?
2. A CD labeled "Compaq Operating System CD?"

Alex Nichol

Laura said:
I have two computers, one an HP Pavillion and one a
Compaq, both came loaded with Windows XP Home but no
original disk. These computers are being used by kids and
the best thing for them is to reformat the hard drive.

These machines come with their 'means of restoring to ex-factory state'
provided as a hidden partition on the hard disk. You enter by hitting a
hot key (F10? F12?) at boot; but check the manual

Gary R.

With computers used by kids (or gamers or many adults) I'd suggest buying a
copy of Norton Ghost. Reformat your hard drive and restore it as Alex
suggested, then install all current updates for Windows, Office, antivirus,
get rid of all the excess baggage that they put on their computers (free
trials, glitzy music players, aol, etc. Then install the basic programs you
know you will be using, get all the updates. Update all drivers, set email
and tweak the settings for everything to the way you like them, clean up the
start menu. Make sure everything works, clean out any spyware you may have
picked up in the process, and do a file cleanup of recycle bin, internet
temp, etc.

Then install Norton Ghost and use it with your CD or DVD burner to back up
the whole hard drive. It will usually fit on one DVD, but span several
CD's. Make sure you reboot using the new backup CD/DVD's and have it verify
the files. Then store them away in a safe place.

Now when the kids mess up everything, or someone installs the latest "The
Sims Hot Date Roller Coaster Ride" nightmare from hell and it wrecks
everything, and system restore doesn't fix things, you have a nice way to
get back your computer with a minimum of work. You'll still have any recent
updates to do, but way less than you'd have otherwise. Remember your
documents, photos, etc are not backed up, so you will still need to do that

I built a system about 8 months ago for my then-14-month-old grandson and
did the Ghost backup; I haven't needed it, but am not so worried when he
starts clicking or dragging where he shouldn't be, or starting sixteen
programs at the same time. I now do that when I build systems for adults
also, especially if they're new at it or have gamers or in the home.



Laura said:
I have two computers, one an HP Pavillion and one a
Compaq, both came loaded with Windows XP Home but no
original disk. These computers are being used by kids and
the best thing for them is to reformat the hard drive.
However, I don't have an original disk, they didn't come
with the computers, to do the install. How do I get an
original without having to purchase it again? I have
heard that this is quite a problem, not getting original
disks, when purchasing from somplace like Best Buy, etc.

There is a program out there that when you run it, it will tell you
your XP key #. Maybe that will help... Type in "XP key" in a Google
search & I think the 1st one that comes up will have such a program
for download.

But - You've heard it is quite a problem? I don't think so. I don't
think it would be legal to sell a new computer with XP installed
without recovery CDs or at least a Windows key on it. I've heard a
few people say they've gotten new computers & no recovery CD. maybe
it does happen, but if so, certainly only with a tiny fraction. It
would be from 3rd party vendors who put together computers themselves
with parts from here & there.. But a lot of those little places have
gone under what-with the prices of computers so low now & not much
profit on each computer. But like i said, it would be illegal to put
XP on a computer with no OEM key #,

Of course my experience is limited, but i can say you got ripped of
royally if you actually bought these computers new. Those are major
brands & not slapped together by some 3rd rate company with parts from
here & there.. As far as I know, the manufacturers, HP & Compaq, put
them together, putting XP in them, & then other companies sell them in
the box, Of course maybe they open the box to add memory or
something.... i don't know for sure. I thought they (HP & Compaq)
should have supplied a recovery CD for each, and not who sold the
computer... Honestly - you didn't buy them new, did you?

At least that is what I think, but I've only been into computers for a
year after laying off of them for several years. Someone tell me
different - if a manufacture sells a new computer with XP installed on
it, they supply a recovery CD(s), right? I don't think it would be
legal otherwise..

Maybe if you had the sticker #s on your computer like the other guy
suggested you could contact HP & Compaq & get a copy of the recovery
CDs... maybe maybe... Otherwise you are going to need to come up
with XP. A new copy of XP where you can install on any computer cost
almost $200. Or an update copy, one where you are updating an older
version of Windows, costs almost $100. if worse comes to worse, check
eBay for people sellling OEM copies cheap - they'll probably give you
a computer part with it to be legal. But forget an auction - only
deal with a "buy at this price".


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