disk checker/chkdsk



Apologies for the x/repeat post

Ran chkdsk on my C drive, using a cmd box and noticed a couple of lines
during stage 1 of 3:
'Deleting corrupt file record segment 1957' and under that 'Deleting corrupt
file record segment 1996'. the countup then runs to 100% and dos box closed.
after this, i ran chkdsk /f but got this message: 'cannot lock current
drive. Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process.
Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the
system restarts? (Y/N)' I type 'Y', then restart. Although chkdsk does run
during the restart, i kind of trips out without resolving anything - it just
seems to give up. The comp starts up, i try running chkdsk /f again with the
same sort of responses. Have also tried doing it in safe mode but no joy.
Tried running defrag but get this message: 'Disk Defragmenter has detected
that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on volume (c). Please run Chkdsk /f.'. I
then go through that little loop again but find there's no way that the
chkdsk actually runs during start up nor is there any way to turn the loop
off - can't get to do a defrag, in other words. Then i get the idea of
scandisk but win2k doesn't have that as such but does have an 'error
checking' facility under local disk properties. so i click than and get this
message: 'windows was unable to complete the disk check.'

In case you're wondering, i have spent a bit of time trawling for answers
and tried a good few to no avail. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. The
other thing to note is that i initially started all this because my
otherwise bulletproof win2k OS, just recently, started to freeze...

apologies for the long post but details are sometimes important. tia, mojo

Dan Seur

You'll probably get other suggestions too, but I'd suggest you get (from
the disk manufacturer's website or tech support team) their hard drive
diagnostic. That is a freebie and may get you a free replacement drive.
(It's possible there's a bad spot on the oxide surface or some other
drive problem that's getting in chkdsk's way.)



thanks for that - have already done so using seagate's software.
unfortunately, that too says it can't continue/resolve the thing - generates
similar(ish) messages as before.

Dan Seur

I have a hunch you may not be running Seagate's diagnostic, which will
be a bootable floppy (NOT a Windows executable like chkdsk).

The diagnostic reports whether the drive is flawed. It will not return a
message saying it cannot continue unless there is a machine problem
other than the hard drive. The diagnostic does not care about, and is
not aware of, any code on the hard drive.

I suggest you place a phone call to Seagate tech support. Check with
them whether you're running their disk diagnostic. These diagnostics are
not usually shipped with the drives or PCs; they are downloaded bootable
floppy images.

I'm assuming here that the "similar(ish) messages" imply you're running
some executable under the W2k (or whatever) system. If so, it ain't the


actually, i did dload the 'diskette creator' software from seagate, create
the floppy, boot with and then go through the pertinent processes.
basically, the seagate software was kind of coming up against a brick wall.
i'll can do it again and make a note of the precise steps/dialogs etc if
that's any use?

Dan Seur

No use to me, but maybe to Seagate tech support. I have no idea what
software you're talking about. The Seagate site has, available for
download, a diagnostic package called "Seatools Desktop". Get it and use
it, if you haven't already.

Are you absolutely determined not to call Seagate tech support?


It was the Seagate desktop sware which told me all sorts of interesting
things like... the first partition 'failed with critical errors; Basic
structure corruption'. the second had 'Critical Error(s)' and other minor
errors - the third partition has an Invalid BPB - whatever that is.

Cut a long story short, rang tech support (the idea never occurred to me
until you mentioned it) and they reckon i should trash the HD ASAP and
replace it - will attempt to dig out receipt and try to get a replacement
from the good folk at seagate as the shop that supplied me closed down/went
bust a few months ago, apparently. Thanks for all your help. mojo.

Dan Seur

Hard drive warranties are pretty long. Seagate tech supp can tell you
whether you qualify for a free replacement, based on the serial #.

If you do qualify, ask for a "cross shipment." You give them your credit
card #; they send you the new drive; you have maybe 2 weeks to fiddle
with it, transfer whatever you can from the broken drive to it; then you
ship the broken drive to them using their shipping materials; they don't
charge your card if they get the broken drive in time.

I have done this many times. Very handy. With luck that broken drive may
be partially accessible - hope hope - if mounted as a slave...

Good luck!

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