Disappearing Workbook Tabs - Excel 2000



I have complaints on "shared" excel files on a network
where users often open these shared files and the
Workbook tabs don't show up. Under Options & Tools the
appropriate boxes are checked, however, the problems still
exists. Not everyone experiences the disappearing Tabs.
Only a few. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?



Are the tabs just "hidden" to the left or right of the visible tabs? If so, use the arrows to the far left of the tabs to navigate/display hidden tabs.

Dave Peterson

Any chance that the tabs are just off the visible screen?

Window|Arrange|Tiled (and resize manually)

or maybe that scrollbar that you use to scroll right/left within the worksheet
is covering the tabs. (This is one of those laugh out loud problems when you
find it. But maddening if you don't.) The scrollbar is resizable and maybe
someone made it extend too far to the left.

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