Disappearing Header/Footer in Page layout



I created a template that is set to show the white space so I can see the
header/footer when it's opened.

I assumed that this setting would automatically be in effect on any new
document created off the template but that isn't happening. I find that I
must set the whitspace to display on the new document manually.

Is there a problem with my template (i.e. corruption) or is that by design?
If by design, is there any way I can get all new documents created off the
template to automatically set to show whitespace? Would I need to create an
AutoNew or AutoOpen macro -- if so, what is the item I need to set?

Better yet, is there a way to change the WORD 2003 default so whitespace is
displayed on all documents by default?

My templates are used by other people on other machines so setting it within
the template would be better.



Thanks Anne. I already did that in my original template. I assumed that the
setting would also apply to any new document created from the template (using
File > New) because the template was already set that way.

But the setting doesn't seem to transfer to new documents created from my
template. I have to check that box in every new doc I create off of the
template. I'm wondering if it should behave that way or not.

Anne Troy

Jo: It's not a document setting, it's a user setting. As long as it's you
logged into your PC, you'll see what that setting says to see. It's not
stored with a document.
Anne Troy


Well, that explains it then!
Will creating an AutoNew macro in my template let me control that? I just
learned that there is a "DisplayPageBoundaries" property that applies to View
objects. It looks like it may do what I need so maybe I can give that a try.

Thanks for all your help.


Thanks. This is just what I needed. VBA Help had the code I needed to set the
whitespace to display & it works great.

The only problem I now have is that adding an AutoNew macro to the template
or (DocumentNew event via VBA) seems to cause my page # xrefs to bookmarks in
the main part of my document to all display as page "3". If I use the /p
switch in the PAGEREF field, they all display as "below". I've been
running into the page "3" xref thing off and on but have no clue why. Do you
have any ideas? I can manually update the fields but they revert back to the
wrong references the next time I open the document. Also, updating the
fields in a macro fails although the macro was recorded from the manual
command (ctrl-a & F9) that worked. If I remove the AutoNew macro the problem
goes away.

Very strange. I've posted about this in the past (and again today) but
haven't gotten a response yet. If you have any idea what's going on here (or
have other ideas how to update the page #s), please let me know.


Yeah, the problem is the macro. Dump the AutoNew crap and go with the
DocumentNew event procedure. Much cleaner and better behaved, especially if
you declare and type all your variables, and to the maximum extent possible,
encapsulate everything into class modules and objects. I know its a hassle
and doesn't really do the trick in VBA, but you can realize some significant
benefits from the 'typing' strenghth the structrue gives you. If you don't
object orient your VBA code to the max possible, it will go screwball on ya
anytime you try to do anything demanding. The newer the Office version, the
more frail the VBA. The .NET is some better but not much.

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