Disappearing Command Button


Marc S

I have an Excel sheet created in Excel 2003 and saved as Excel 5.0/
Excel 2002... blah blah blah. The workbook has 4 sheets and the last
2 sheets contain command buttons. When a coworker opens the workbook
using Excel 2003 everything is fine. When another coworker opens the
book using Excel 2002 (and Windows 2K instead of XP) the button is not
there. The code is there but no button.

When the coworker using Office 2002 moves the mouse around where the
button should be, every once in a while the button will appear but
then randomly go away. I tried uisng the ScreenUpdating=true oprion
that I found on one thread but to no avail.

Any ideas?

Dave Peterson

Just a guess...

Clean up the windows temp folder on the troublesome pc.

Close excel
Windows start button|Run
and hit enter.
Clean up all the files that you can.

Then restart excel and test it out.

Excel stores lots of info about these controls in the temp folder. If there's
too much junk there, it can confuse excel.

Marc S

Just a guess...

Clean up the windows temp folder on the troublesome pc.

Close excel
Windows start button|Run
and hit enter.
Clean up all the files that you can.

Then restart excel and test it out.

Excel stores lots of info about these controls in the temp folder.  If there's
too much junk there, it can confuse excel.

No dice.

Bob I

Perhaps dial back a notch or two on the Video adapter hardware
acceleration setting. I don't remember if Win2K is the same, but R-click
the desktop, then Properties, Settings, Advanced, then Troubleshoot,
Hardware acceleration.

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