Disabling 'Server' service and problem it causes



Hopefully this is right group to ask....

Installed Windows XP Prof. just for fun.. :). on astandalone comp
that's only conncected (if I feel like it :-D ) with ASDL to Internet,

Just playing around with it. Searched Net about Hardening/Securing
guides etc.and found few including about disabling non needes services
like this one:


So I set up servcices according this guide. No problems at all,
however I noticed that when I disabled/stopped 'Server' service


I couldn't open 'Computer Managemnt->Local Users and Groups->Users->
'any user'->Propertities->'Member Of' tab at all..

When I click it, window with 'The Following error occurred while
attempting to read the propertities for "Wharever user I chose":
Access is denied'.

When I start 'Server' service, I can view the 'Member Of' tab

None of the "Disable non needed Service guides" I found on the net
mention the 'Service' being that "inportant"

Is this how it should work.... I wouldn' definately think so... ?
sorry if this is silly question,as total 'non comp geek' just trying
to educate myself a little about XP for fun... :)


Wesley Vogel

MULTIPOSTED in microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin

Define "important". I have both the Workstation and Server services
disabled. Neither one is important to me.

The Sharing tab will not be visible on Folder Properties if the Server
service (lanmanserver) is not running.

Both the Workstation service (lanmanworkstation) and the Server service are
needed for Local Users and Groups.

In Local Users and Groups\Users when in a User's Properties or Administrator
Properties, clicking on the Member Of tab results in...

Local Users and Groups
The following error occurred while attempting to read the properties for the
user Wesley Vogel:

The Server service is not started.

Starting the Server service then results with...
Local Users and Groups
The following error occurred while attempting to read the properties for the
user Wesley Vogel:

The Workstation service has not been started.

No errors when both the Server and Workstation services are started.

Local Users and Groups
The following error occurred while attempting to read the properties for the
user Administrator:

The Workstation service has not been started.

Starting the Server service then results with...
Local Users and Groups
The following error occurred while attempting to read the properties for the
user Administrator:

The Server service is not started.

No errors when both the Server and Workstation services are started.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

JamesKuul said:
Hopefully this is right group to ask....

Installed Windows XP Prof. just for fun.. :). on astandalone comp
that's only conncected (if I feel like it :-D ) with ASDL to Internet,

Just playing around with it. Searched Net about Hardening/Securing
guides etc.and found few including about disabling non needes services
like this one:


So I set up servcices according this guide. No problems at all,
however I noticed that when I disabled/stopped 'Server' service


I couldn't open 'Computer Managemnt->Local Users and Groups->Users->
'any user'->Propertities->'Member Of' tab at all..

When I click it, window with 'The Following error occurred while
attempting to read the propertities for "Wharever user I chose":
Access is denied'.

When I start 'Server' service, I can view the 'Member Of' tab

None of the "Disable non needed Service guides" I found on the net
mention the 'Service' being that "inportant"

Is this how it should work.... I wouldn' definately think so... ?
sorry if this is silly question,as total 'non comp geek' just trying
to educate myself a little about XP for fun... :)


Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Thanks so much for replying...

So basically I could (should for security) disable both
Server/Workstation services and there would be no problems using the
comp for daily Internet surfing (propably not going to but
wondering...) in this type of simple setup (only one comp with just
ADSL connection). Just igonere these "errors"..
No regular user stuff ("surfing/whatever actives") or regular
Administration stuff (getting updates/ installing softwares are not


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