Disabling Security Messages (Macros)



Not sure if this belongs here or in outlook questions but please help if you

I am trying to use a macro to automatically send emails (with attachments)
to my customers via outlook. The problems is that i am sending 1 email to
each customer and i keep getting the warning message " A program is trying to
send an email on your behalf - do you want to allow it". If i click yes then
the email is sent but then it appears again for the next email that is to be

Can i disable this to allow all email to be sent without manually clicking
yes for each individual email?

Help on this would be very much appreciated.



Bob Phillips

Hi Norman,

No problems. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone :). So I won't
be saying anything <ebg>



I am using the following simple coding to do the same thing.

Sub xEmailing()
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Work Book Name.xls"

Windows("Work Book Name).xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="Email Adress"
end sub

Can you give me some idea of the coding to be used to automatically answer
the Question "YES" when the the following apears

" A program is trying--
Thank you in advance for your Help

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