Disabled Absolute/Relative Macro Button


J Shrimps, Jr.

When I record a new macro, the absolute/relative
reference button does not appear.
How do I re-enable it?


With the macro recorder running right-click anywhere in an empty region of
the toolbars and enable (click) the 'Stop Recording' toolbar.


You asked how to do it - this it! - Try it and you will see that next time
you record a macro the toolbar called 'Stop Recording' will appear - the
button to the right on this toolbar is the absolute/relative option.

If you dismiss this toolbar then it will not appear next time you record a
macro - so the absolute/relative button will not be visible again.

As I said try it and see for yourself!



Thank you for the fix! What a weird deal....one day it was there,
then....gone. Not too worried about the why, just am thankful that it's back.


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