Disable button for some



I have created a start-up menu page with a button that I (as Admin) can use to exit the menu's and go to the tables. I want this button to NOT be available to some users

What do I need to do?

Scott McDaniel

You could use "mock" security and simple ask for a password on button click:

Sub YourButton_Click()

If Inputbox("Password: ") <> "Bob" then
Exit Sub
<your code>
End If

Of course, this is easily circumvented. The better way is to show/hide the
button based on the current user's Group membership. Members of the Admins
group would see the button; others would not.

To do this, you'll have to implement User Level Security. This is not a
trivial task, and I would encourage you to tinker on a COPY of your
database. More info here:


Scott McDaniel
CS Computer Software
Visual Basic - Access - Sql Server - ASP

"Smash forehead on keyboard to continue ... "

Hairpuller said:
I have created a start-up menu page with a button that I (as Admin) can
use to exit the menu's and go to the tables. I want this button to NOT be
available to some users.

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