Disable AutoOpen macro's


Michael Beckinsale

Hi All,

I have a macro that l run from a workbook which requires a second workbook
to be opened.

The second workbook contains a AutoOpen macro, the code of which is in the
ThisWorbook object. The AutoOpen macro prompts the user for Yes/No answers
upon opening via message boxes.

I would like to disable the AutoOpen macro on the second workbook when it is
opened via the VBA code in the 1st workbook.

The code l have used is

Workbooks.Open ("BLB0000")

The online help states that the above code will NOT initiate the AutoOpen
macro but that does not seem to be the case !

I am developing the code in Excel 2000 but it will be also need to be used
on Excel 97.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Michael Beckinsale.

Bernie Deitrick



Application.EnableEvents = False
Workbooks.Open FileName:="BLB0000"
Application.EnableEvents = True


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