DirectX 9.0c problem



Hi !

I build my image with the directx 9.0c component. When I run dxdiag, I can
see the DirectX Version : 9.0b.

The problem is that the performances are very bad on my target device when I
use the VMR 9 with a screen depth of 16 bits.

I tried to install an XP Pro with the DirectX 9.0c and it works well (good
perfs) in 16 bits or 32 bits. So the problem do not come from my target
I tried to install, on my xpe image, all the same drivers as I have on the
xp pro install, but the problem persists.

In conclusion, I think the bad performances come from the DirectX 9.0c
I will try to rebuild my image without DirectX 9 and then install it

What I am doing wrong with this DirectX 9.0c component ?



I am pretty sure that my video driver works properly. I am working on a VIA
EPIA MiniITX motherboard. VIA gives all necessary XP drivers and XPe driver
components for his card. So when I install an XP Pro with the XP VGA Driver

Well.. You can't trust nobody's word on this. You have to check if the driver got installed on *your* image.
Use Device Manager or devcon to check the driver status.
After all, you always have SetupApi.log to see if there were any problems instaling the driver.
and DirectX 9.0c, the VMR9 filter works well. If I install the same vga
driver on an XPe install with directx 9.0c embedded component, I have
problems when using the VMR9 filter.
Maybe there's a problem with the XPe vga driver component but I don't think
so because if I use the VMR7 instead of the VMR9, my applications works very
well (except for missed VMR9 functionalities).

I tried to not include the DX9.0c component in my image and then install it
after fba but I did not succeed in.

Errors? Then you might have not included all the required dependencies.
I have noticed something else : some components are missing. In the DX9.0c
macro component I have include all components except the Direct VB.
I join a screenshot. Could you tell me if my directx components version are correct ?

I think that should be easier for you to auto-resolve all the DX macro component dependencies and give it a try rahter than trying
to fix the issue with so many dx binaries missing.
(I did not apply the registry changes for the version number yet)

Sorry, can't give you any good hint here until you include all the dependencies of the DX components.



Hi KM !

I found the problem !!!!!! ouf :)

The problem was about 2 components : VIA CPU to AGP Controller and VIA/S3G
Unichrome Graphics.
With the XP Pro Install on my target device (VIA EPI MII MiniITX) the
tap.exe gave me : CPU to AGP Controller component (version and
VIA/S3G Unichrome Graphics components. VIA embedded site gave me CPU to AGP
Controller version and VIA/S3G Unichrome Graphics components.

In my image I used the CPU to AGP Control version instead of and it was for this reason that when I have installed the VIA/S3G
CLE 266, VMR9 gave me same result as before : CPU occupation very high for
small rendering resolution.
I tried to use the CPU to AGP Controller v and install the
VIA/S3G CLE 266 driver instead of those gave me by VIA Embedded site for XPe
and now the VMR9 works fine !!! cooooooool :)

So you're right when you say "You can't trust nobody's word on this" ;o)

More, now I know too that the missing dll that appear in the DXDiag
application come from Direct Music components (performance, scripting ...).
I do not need them and they are not linked to the VMR.

thanks a lot for your help KM !

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Mike,

I'm sorry that my question about whether your GART driver is working or not did not passed to NG :-(
GART driver missing problem is very common and I think that we all at least once forgot this driver and wondered why video
performances are so bad.
Anyhow I'm glad that you have figured it out.



Hi Slobodan,

it does not matter if your question about GART has not passed to NG...
I will think about GART driver for the future :)


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