Difficult problem - Pivot table help



I have a table with record.
Each record has an opening date and most records have a closing time.

What I would like is to see a pivot table or chart where I can see per year
and month the ammount of opened records and closed records.

I have allready create a query which reports a count of opened records per
year/month and I have also created another query which counts each closed
records (without the records with no closing time yet)

How can I combine these 2 queries?


Write this sql as Source of your pivot table;
SELECT Table1.*, IIf(IsNull([ClosingTime]),"Opened","Closed") AS Status,
Format([OrdDate],"yyyy") AS OrdMonth, Format([OrdDate],"mmm") AS OrdYear
FROM Table1;

Now you can easily design a pivot tabe by wizard (get help from local help
about pivot table report)

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