Differnce between virtual/override and new


Jazper Manto

what is the difference between virtual / override and new? until now i only
knew the virtual / override thing.
thanx for hint.

//--- new ----------------------------------------
public class MyBaseA
public void Invoke() {}
public class MyDerivedA : MyBaseA
new public void Invoke() {}

//---virtual / override -----------------------------
public class MyBaseB
public virtual void Invoke() {}
public class MyDerivedB : MyBaseB
public override void Invoke() {}

Bjorn Abelli

Jazper said:
what is the difference between virtual / override
and new? until now i only knew the virtual / override

As you say you already know the use of virtual/override, you know that it's
a construction that facilitates polymorhism.

The "new" construction isn't a "polymorph" thingy, as it only can be used to
*hide* a method implementation from the superclass, but *only* when the type
of the variable is of the subclass type (hence no polymorphism).

Based on your examples, I'll show the difference:

MyBaseA ma1 = new MyDerivedA();
MyDerivedA ma2 = new MyDerivedA();

ma1.Invoke(); // runs the method in the superclass
ma2.Invoke(); // runs the method in the subclass

MyBaseB mb1 = new MyDerivedB();
MyDerivedB mb2 = new MyDerivedB();

mb1.Invoke(); // runs the method in the subclass
mb2.Invoke(); // runs the method in the subclass

As you see, the virtual/override construction looks at what type the actual
instance is, while new only looks at what type the *variable* is.

Hope this made it clearer.

// Bjorn A

P.S. It's more common to put the "new" keyword after the visibility keyword,
such as:

public new void Invoke() {}

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