Different destination fields



Hi All,

I've got 2 fields in my database that represent Easting and Northings. Due
to the way the client's db is set up, I need to append each of these values
to one of 2 fields in the destination table (UTM_Easting or Grid_Easting).
UTM's are the full 6/7 digits while Grid coordinates are usually 3 digits
each. How would I build the query so that it would be able to determine if
it should go to UTM_Easting or Grid_Easting?



I had gotten that far, but how do I tell it different destination fields?

What about Len([YourField]) to separate by number of characters?
Build a little - Test a little

Shaun said:
Hi All,

I've got 2 fields in my database that represent Easting and Northings. Due
to the way the client's db is set up, I need to append each of these values
to one of 2 fields in the destination table (UTM_Easting or Grid_Easting).
UTM's are the full 6/7 digits while Grid coordinates are usually 3 digits
each. How would I build the query so that it would be able to determine if
it should go to UTM_Easting or Grid_Easting?


John Spencer

UpDate Yourtable
SET Grid_Easting = IIF(Len([YourField])=3,[YourField[,[Grid_Easting])
, UTM_Easting = IIF(Len([YourField])>=6,[YourField],[UTM_Easting])

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I had gotten that far, but how do I tell it different destination fields?

What about Len([YourField]) to separate by number of characters?
Build a little - Test a little

Shaun said:
Hi All,

I've got 2 fields in my database that represent Easting and Northings. Due
to the way the client's db is set up, I need to append each of these values
to one of 2 fields in the destination table (UTM_Easting or Grid_Easting).
UTM's are the full 6/7 digits while Grid coordinates are usually 3 digits
each. How would I build the query so that it would be able to determine if
it should go to UTM_Easting or Grid_Easting?


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